5 Not-So-Basic Beach Essentials

Going to the beach this summer? You better make sure you pack these five things. They’ll make your life easier—so you’ll be able to actually enjoy your time and have some fun. Keep reading to find out five trendy essentials you need in your beach bag!
THESE. SAVE. LIVES. Well, maybe not lives. But they definitely save you from getting frustrated and having your down blown all the way across the beach or getting tangled around your leg when your laying down. For less than $10, these clips are definitely a must-have for frequent beach-goers. Never again will you have to have your sandals, bag, and sunscreen bottles spread out on different corners of your towel to keep it in place.
I bought one of these pouches last summer for our lake house…and I don’t know what I’d do without it now. I have taken my phone underwater in this and it didn’t get any damage at all. I’ve even saved my phone from possible water damage when some cocktails got spilled over while on my vacation in Cancun. My towel was soaked, and so was the outside of the case, but my phone wasn’t. And yes—the case protects from the sand too.
Why spend your beach day with headphones in when you could be listening to your playlist with all your friends, while saving your phone from getting heat stroke. What’s even better about this speaker is that it’s waterproof and has a handle, so if it doesn’t fit in your bag, it’s still easy to carry. Don’t go to the beach often? That’s fine too! Take this speaker in the shower with you!
Not only do bags like this keep the rest of your bag dry, but it helps you avoid the dilemma of accidently dropping your bikini bottom or top somewhere. Personally, I like to travel with my bikini in this type of bag so then I can easily find it in my purse or beach bag. If you don’t feel like investing in a good wet bikini bag, a freezer Ziploc bag with a zipper works too.
I love the beach, but I can’t stand having sand on my body, so I always make sure I keep a travel-size baby powder in my bag. If you sprinkle baby powder on dry skin that has sand on it, the sand will come right off. The baby powder soaks up the moisture, so the sand just flakes away. Baby powder also doubles as a quick-fix dry shampoo—perfect for if you’re going out right after the beach and don’t have time to wash your hair!