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A Meaningful Introduction: Alex & Ani

Roses are red, violets are blue, last night I attended a store opening party that I think you’ll like too.

Alright, so I’m not much of a poet, but I tried. The important part is that last night I attended Alex and Ani’s store opening party at Orland Square Mall. They just opened their doors this week, and let me just tell you, this will be one store that you’ll be hitting while you’re doing your holiday shopping this year.

Alex and Ani had everything from pendants full of meaning to glistening stones full of mystery. Many of the stylists in the store wore the bracelets stacked—kind of like you would with stackable rings—which looked stunning. Even the mixed metal combinations were striking.

As weird as this sounds, when you first walk into the store, it’s like the entire atmosphere changes. It’s calm. Inspiring. Loving. It’s something you wouldn’t expect in a store, but appreciate so much anyway.

The very first person to greet me was Noor and she was just incredible. She was so sweet and so helpful in explaining all the meanings to me about the symbols and charity collections. All of the employees I encountered were down-to-earthy, friendly, and just so incredibly kind. The store manager, Ashley, was there as well and was just as amazing as her employees. Patience and knowledge were two of the qualities I appreciated most from her. I felt like I learned so much about the company from just talking to all of them.

What was also unexpected for me was the interior. I have actually never been in an Alex and Ani store until last night. When I walked in, I felt like I was almost walking into an art gallery. The wooden floors shined, the grey walls comforted, and the pieces were shown off in the most elegant, bohemian-inspired display cases. Track lights lined the perimeter of the ceiling, giving off a laid back mood, yet still allowing the accessories to shine and sparkle in their own way.

One of my favorite parts about Alex and Ani is the “meaning wall.” You literally can’t miss it. It’s a wall that has Alex and Ani’s logo in the middle and about 24 symbols surrounding it with three words describing each meaning. Noor explained that the wall really helps customers when they come in looking for a piece that they want to express meaning for. She told me that she will ask them to look on the wall and see if any of the symbols or words jump out to them, which I think is really helpful and special when you’re shopping for a gift. My favorite symbol on the wall was the “Welcoming Pineapple” which expresses welcome, warmth, and friendship.

As far as the company itself, the best way I could describe Alex and Ani is a cross between Pandora and Kendra Scott. It has that polished, yet earthy vibe going on, and it really works. Each piece looks unique and well designed, almost like you’d find it in a boutique.

For those of you who don’t know already, Alex and Ani is a jewelry and accessory company that is eco-conscious. Their goal is to empower and connect humanity in a positive way—and they definitely do that. One of the ways they impact the world is through charity, like I mentioned earlier. Consumers have the opportunity to purchase “Charity by Design” pieces. A portion of these pieces’ proceeds get donated to non-profit organizations that share the same focus of bettering the quality of lives. Some of the organizations include: Association of Zoos & Aquariums, American Heart Association, Let Girls Learn, Flying Kites, and so many more.

In all honesty, Alex and Ani is a company that has been newly introduced to me. However, the fact that the company does do so much for charity makes it quickly on my good side, in addition to the wonderful experience I had last night. What really sells me on the company is that the pieces are not only designed in America, but crafted here too! If you know me well, you know that I love a sense of community and I am a huge supporter of companies who make and manufacture their products in our wonderful country (don’t get me wrong, I love other countries just as much, but of course I have a little bit of home pride). I have so much support for companies like this one and I hope that, if anything, you guys will check out this store just to take a look around and feel the positivity. I’m so happy to have a store like this in my community because I feel like it will spread good vibes and meaning.

If you have any questions at all, please let me know. I would be more than happy to answer. If you’re in the area and need a friend to shop with too, let me know! I’m pretty much at the mall at least once a week and I would be happy to help out and get to know you all better.

Until then, don’t forget to follow me, my friends at Orland Square mall, and Alex & Ani on social media!




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