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3-Step Dairy-Free, Protein-Packed Smoothies

For all my vegans and veggies out there (and those of us just trying to be healthy), this one's for you!

Over the summer, I was on a total health kick. I would go to the gym nearly every day, do as many outdoor activities as I could, eat very clean, and always have a protein shake or smoothie. However, over the past few months, I've lost the 10 pounds of muscle I put on in the summer. I'm still entirely happy with my body, but with bikini season being a few months away, I figured it's time to get back to the gym and start making my protein shakes and smoothies again. This time, I'll be having the smoothies three days a week instead of everyday in order to not bulk as much muscle as before.

When I initially started making the smoothies and shakes, I had no idea what to put in them. I wanted them to be dairy-free because I personally just feel healthier with less dairy in my diet, but still be thick and creamy. After a few weeks of trial and error, I was able to find the perfect ingredients to make healthy and thick smoothies.

The first step in making a dairy-free smoothie is finding a substitute liquid. I love sugar-free vanilla almond milk, but use whatever works best for you. I use about a cup in each smoothie. Each liquid will help determine the consistency of your smoothie. Dairy-free yogurt will make it the thickest, while water will make it the thinnest. Some of my favorite liquids for smoothies are:

  • Almond/Cashew Milk

  • Soy Milk

  • Coconut Milk

  • Coconut Water

  • Water

  • Fresh Juice (orange, grapefruit, celery, etc.)

  • Dairy-Free Yogurt

The second step is adding a protein powder. Depending on your diet and needs, the powder will vary, as will the flavor. I tend to go for vanilla powders because it adds a little bit of sweetness to my smoothies without making them too sweet. Plus, vanilla tastes good with pretty much any fruit you add in. While chocolate is also a great staple, I found out that as good as chocolate mango might sound, it’s really not that great, so I stick with vanilla. My all-time favorite is the Vanilla Organic Clean Plant Protein from Raw Green Organics. Measurements will vary by powder, but I typically use two tablespoons.

Adding fruits and veggies is the third step. You can really get creative with what you want to use, but I tend to stick with one fruit and one veggie. Sometimes, I’ll mix it up and do two of each. Either way, I like to make sure I have a 1:1 ratio of fruits and veggies (1 cup of each). Some of my favorite combos are:

  • Banana + Kale

  • Apple + Spinach

  • Lemon + Wheatgrass

  • Watermelon + Peach + Kale + Spinach

  • Pineapple + Kale

  • Blueberry + Orange + Spinach (2x)

  • Blueberry + Mint + Lime

After that step, I add about a cup of ice (if the fruit isn’t frozen) and blend it together until it’s smooth. And that’s it! Super healthy, very simple, and incredibly delicious!

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