4 Books Every 20-Something Should Read
Uh huh, honey. Don't roll your eyes at the title of this blog post quite yet. I know that you're obviously not going to read 4 entire books right now, but these books are must-reads (in my opinion) for every 20-something woman to read at some point.
Why? Well, because they're funny, inspiring, and actually teach you stuff.
So, like, let's just jump into them...
Alright, so if you read the reviews for the book, it's obviously that people take it way too seriously. Based off the title, I thought that most people knew that this book wasn't supposed to be the most seriously-taken piece of literature (but according to the reviews on Amazon, I guess I was wrong...).
This book is written in a way that is humorous, entertaining, and somewhat inappropriate (but that makes it fun, you know?). Though a lot of people say the content of the book is meant to be taken with a grain of salt, there are some good pieces of advice in it that I feel like a lot of us don't always think or talk about, and this book does an amazing job of explaining them. It's written from the point of view as a "mean girl" (hence the authors: Betches), so keep that in mind.
Bottom line: this book is entertaining and I think it's a fun read that's hard to put down. I love the Betches! Their other book, I Had a Nice Time and Other Lies, is just as amazing too.
If the whole concept of "love languages" rings a bell, it's probably because you've seen the viral clip of the stars from "Rich in Faith" on the Steve Harvey Show talking about learning how to love one another on Facebook.
That's exactly where I heard of the book from. I decided to read the book because I saw that clip and thought it was so interesting and so relevant. The book really gives a lot of information on how to show love to different people. People do have several ways of giving and receiving love and it's important that we recognize and understand them so we can know what it feels like to be loved and to love. Someone could be showing that they love you everyday, but you might not even know it because your love language is different.
If you're totally lost on what I mean, you'll understand after you read the book. This is the book on this entire post that I absolutely would recommend the most because it will help you understand several different relationships and people in your life so much better.
This book is one of those ones that I almost dare you to try to read in public. The author, Samantha Irby, is truly hilarious. I decided to pick up this book in the airport when I first saw it. So what basically ended up happening was me sitting alone waiting for my flight, trying to stifle my uncontrollable laughter, thus making me look like I was continuously holding back sneezes.
Regardless, if you want to take you mind off any stress in your life and just have a good laugh, this is the perfect book for that. I give her major props for the cover of the book too. The book cover is yellow and has a cat on it; two of my favorite things. Plus, she's a blogger too, so you already know she has inspired me.
Okay, I'm cheating a little: I actually haven't read this book yet, but I want to read it so bad based off of all the reviews that I've read about it. Both Hilary Duff and Kristen Bell (I love them so much) reviewed it, so you know it's going to be amazing.
It's supposed to be super motivating, inspiring, and encouraging for young women. In my mind, based off of everything I've read about it, it's pretty much a book for 20-somethings that feel lost. Everyone kept putting in their reviews that when you read it, you learn about other women who are going through the same things as you and that it makes you feel like you're not alone; I think we all need that sometimes.
So, it's the next book I'm reading and I think you should read it too. It could be like a secret book club, but just for us!
And that's all for this post! I hope you enjoyed this little post and found some good reads. Let me know if you've read any of them or plan to!